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用药错误的根源 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-3 11:47:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The human body is composed of 25 percent solid matter (the solute) and 75 percent water (the solvent). Brain
tissue is said to consist of 85 percent water. When the phase of inquiry into the workings of the body began,
because the scientific parameters and a very broad knowledge of chemistry had already become well-established, it
automatically became the assumption that the same understandings that were developed within the discipline of
chemistry applied to the body's solute composition.
It was therefore assumed that the solute composition is the reactive regulator of all functions of the body. At the very
onset of research into the human body, the water content of the body was assumed to act only as a solvent, a space
filler, and a means of transport—the same views that were generated from the test-tube experiments in chemistry.
No other functional properties were attributed to the solvent material. The basic understanding in today's "scientific"
medicine—which has been inherited from an educational programs established at the dawn of systematic learning
—also regards solutes as regulators and water as only a solvent and a means of material transport in the body. The
human body is even now regarded as a large "test tube" full of solids of different nature and the water in the body as
a chemically insignificant "packing material."
In science, it has been assumed that it is the solutes (substances that are dissolved or carried in the blood and
serum in the body) that regulate all the activities of the body. This includes the regulation of its water (the solvent)
intake, which is assumed to be well-regulated. It is presumed, because water is freely available and one does not
have to pay for it, that the body has no business in falling short of something that is available!
Under this erroneous assumption, all the human applied research has been directed toward identification of one
"particular" sub-Stance that can be held responsible for causing a disease. Therefore, all the suspected possible
fluctuations and variation of elemental changes have been tested without a clear-cut solution to a single disease
problem. Accordingly, all treatments are palliative and none seems to be curative (e  cept for bacterial infections and
the use of antibiotics). Hypertension is not generally cured; it is treated during the lifetime of a person. Asthma is not
cured; inhalers are the constant companion of the afflicted. Peptic ulcer is not cured; antacids have to be nearby all
the time. Allergy is not cured; the victim is always dependent on medication. Arthritis is not cured, it eventually
cripples, and so on.
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-3 11:47:54 |只看该作者
Based on this preliminary assumption of the role of water, it has become a practice to regard the "dry mouth" as a
sign and sensation of body water needs, which is further assumed to be well-regulated if the sensation of "dry
mouth" is not present, possibly because the substance water is abundant and free. This is an absurdly erroneous
and confusion-generating   iew in medicine and entirely responsible for the lack of success in finding permanent
preventive solutions to disease emergence in the body, despite so much costly research.
I have already published an account of my clinical observations when I treated more than 3000 peptic ulcer
sufferers with water alone. I discovered for the first time in medicine that this "classical disease" of the body
responds to water by itself. Clinically, it became obvious that this condition resembled a thirst "disease." Under the
same environmental and clinical settings, other "disease" conditions seemed to respond to water by itself. E  tensive
research has proven my clinical observations that the body has a variety of most sophisticated thirst signals—
integrated signal systems during regulation of the available water at times of dehydration.
The combination of my clinical and literature research has shown that the paradigm that has until now governed all
human applied research must be changed if we wish to conquer "disease." It has become clear that the practice of
clinical medicine is based on a false assumption and an inaccurate premise. Otherwise, how could a signal system
for water metabolism disturbance be missed or so blatantly ignored for such a long time? At the moment, the "dry
mouth" is the only accepted sign of dehydration of the body. As I have e  plained, this signal is the last outward sign
of extreme dehydration. The damage occurs at a level of persistent dehydration that does not necessarily

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-3 11:49:28 |只看该作者
demonstrate a "dry mouth" signal. Earlier researchers should have realized that, to facilitate the act of chewing and
swallowing food, saliva is produced even if the rest of the body is comparatively dehydrated.
Naturally, chronic dehydration of the body means persistent water shortage that has become established for some
time. Like any other deficiency disorder such as vitamin C deficiency in scurvy, vitamin B deficiency in beri-beri, iron
deficiency in anemia, vitamin D deficiency in rickets, or you name it, the most efficient method of treatment of the
associated disorders is by supplementation of the missing ingredient. Accordingly, if we begin to recognize the
health complications of chronic dehydration, their prevention, and even early cure, becomes simple.
Although my scientific views in medicine were peer reviewed, before I presented my paradigm change information
as a guest lecturer at an international cancer conference in 1987, Dr. Barry Kendler's letter on page 12 (printed by
his kind permission) further confirms the validity of my scientific views on  chronic dehydration as a disease
producer. As you will see, he has even studied some of the important references that I have referred to to explain
that chronic dehydration is the root cause of most major degenerative diseases of the human body; the diseases
whose cause was not clear until now. Referring to any medical text-book, you will see over a thousand pages of
verbiage, but when it comes to giving the reasons for the major diseases of the human body, the statement in  all
cases is uniform and very brief: "Etiology unknown!"

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-3 11:51:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 黑猫白猫论 于 2014-1-3 11:53 编辑


Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-3 11:58:42 |只看该作者
有了这样的错误认识,人们在进行应用医学研究时全都盯着一个方向:找到致病的特殊物质。因此,只要医生怀疑患者有什么异常或波动,在没有提出清晰 明确的治疗办法钱,先用化验查找病因。因此,三大法宝就来了抗生素 激素 手术,所有这些治疗手段都是为了减轻症状。一般来说,高血压是治不好的,哮喘病是治不好的,吸入剂形影不离;消化道溃疡是治不好的,病人必须随时携带抗酸剂;过敏症必须药物控制;关节炎;如此等等,不一而足。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2014-1-3 13:49:56 |只看该作者

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-3 17:46:41 |只看该作者
此文从《your body's many cries for water》摘取,有兴趣就去看全文,国内应该有中文版。-----水是最好的药  美国-巴特曼医学博士

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2014-1-4 10:44:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2014-1-4 10:46 编辑




Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2014-1-4 10:51:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2014-1-4 10:55 编辑


The amount of water we must drink is a minimum of 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeine-containing beverages don't count as water.

It's best to drink one glass half an hour before a meal and one glass two and a half hours after each meal. Two more glasses should be taken in connection with our biggest meal or before going to bed.



He explains how the drinking of caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and cola exacerbates dehydration. He also explains how diet sodas cause weight gain and expatiates on the dangers of the artifical sweetener aspartame(阿斯巴甜甜味剂有害健康,我每天喝的速溶咖啡里就有阿斯巴甜).

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2014-1-4 18:23:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 黑猫白猫论 于 2014-1-4 18:25 编辑

@蓝田日暖,再给你推荐点信息,看看《补氧不生病》,从几大重要物质基础看对身体的影响(水 氧气 电解质 体液酸碱度 重金属 微量元素等等),会对大家理解“病”有所借鉴的。


蓝田日暖  收到,谢了。  发表于 2014-1-5 08:52:00
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