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[英语教育] 成人英语自学探讨——非专业人士的一点感受   [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2013-4-17 15:20:54 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2013-4-18 09:06 编辑









通过上述练习,我的英语能力有了很大的进步。接下来,兴趣在我的英语自学中发挥了巨大的作用。因为对身心灵知识深感兴趣,而多本翻译不佳的书让我萌发了看原版书的想法,最初看的是艾克哈特·托利的《The power of now》,此后,凡是能找到原版的,我都选择看英语原版。









叶落风中  学习  发表于 2014-3-7 15:33:36
小米花儿  整理的真好,其实所有学习的核心就是:去做,坚持做下去  发表于 2013-4-24 13:38:20
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-12-12 16:06:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-12-12 16:08 编辑



He stands there upright, bright lights shining upon him, the whole audience already excited and high, but he keeps a poker face to match the theme of the song, a song that is gave and serious. As soon as music starts, he begins to slightly move his shoulders backward at a fast pace while his legs keep perpendicular. He is so familiar with every move that he doesn't need to look at other members to know whether he is at the right place or not.

He flexibly and precisely draws two arcs in the air with his arms and then lays his left hand on his right arm. Seconds later, he lowers his upper body with his arms dangling right before he swoops onto the floor. Now, he is lying on the ground, face down. He is waiting for his timing to bounce right back to where he just stood. After that, another dash happens and in a flash, he moves to the left side and gets down on one knee. Pushing against the ground with fully spread palms, he mildly raises his head and knows that his rap is about to happen. Here he comes, swaggering forward to the center of the stage and singing in his unique low, raspy voice...

He is totally devoted to the performance. He enjoys every bit of it. What a short yet rich and powerful dance!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-11-26 19:45:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-11-26 19:57 编辑

在咖啡店里发现了《Five Weeks in a Balloon》,就这样看了起来。从中间20几章跳看的,显然不是为了看故事,而是想学些新词,还想看看有没有让我喜欢的动作描写。我看了三页,然后把这三页连续看了三遍——这也算是我的学习习惯吧。第一遍看完,不认识的字词马上查起来,等到第三遍时,读和理解就很顺畅了。




lava, torrent, drapery, ape, monotony, stupor, slumber, a tract of, a bank of (clouds), jut, jets of, crater, scorch, encampment, casket, hurl, fling, contrite, hare-brained, folly, at all events, at all hazards, ballast, wretch等等。


plunge one's gaze into space; cast a glance at sb; place one's hand on some place; lay one's heads together to devise some plan; scan the horizon; leap out of some vehicle; bend over; recline at full length; lean over to sb's ear; snatch by one's waist; mop/wipe sweat/perspiration from one's forehead等等。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-10-26 15:10:30 |只看该作者




scythe 长柄大镰刀;cluck 母鸡叫;stockpot 汤锅;sharpening stone磨刀石;sweet potatoes 红薯等等。



Greatgrandma stood at the wood stove, wiping her hands on the stained, floral apron.

He was resting his head on one hand and the corresponding elbow on the arm of the lounge chair.



After milking the cow, feeding the pigs, getting three eggs, grandfather walked back to the farmhouse. Water boiling in the big stockpot, firewood  cracking in the stove, grandfather grabbed his old mug and made himself a cup of coffee. He sat at the dining table by the window and began to brush his bread with honey. Simple but yummy breakfast! Before finishing the bread, grandfather was already eager to go out to plow his fields.


This summer morning, grandfather is busy cutting grass to make hay. He knows how to efficiently use his scythe, and from time to time, he would stop and sharpen it with a rectangular stone.


Grandfather, his horse and dog, together are walking on a country lane, heading for the fields. It's gonna be a wonderful harvest. A short while later, lots of sweet potatoes are dug out in one field, and a rat is found and fed to the dog.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-9-22 18:16:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-9-22 18:22 编辑


震惊:shocked, gobsmacked, dumbfounded, devastated, startled, taken aback,
冷漠:indifferent, aloof, not interested, having a poker face, detached
快乐:smiley, happy, having a big grin on the face, having a big smile; happiness is written all over his/her face
突然轻快起来:brighten (up), lighten up
眼睛发亮(表示快乐): Her eyes sparkle (with excitement/happiness). His eyes glow.

黑眼圈:dark circles. He has dark circles under his eyes.

喜欢:like, love, be fond of, be captivated by, be attracted to, fall for, fall in love with


Colorful lights flashed around and L's eyes were forced to squint. He was not satisfied with his cousin who dragged him to this concert of a Kpop group, but he hadn't seen her for a long time, so he still said "yes" to her.

He looked like an old man who was gonna get a heart attack surrounded by girls' crazy shouting. Geez! He frowned and then was amused by their passion. Some girls even began to cry with happy tears. "Is it too late for me to get out?" he pondered. Just then, he heard powerful drumbeats, and coupled with them were a dozen of young flowery men. Maybe less then a dozen, but definitely more than eight. They wore bright red suits, glittery jewelry and a lot of makeup. L couldn't help roasting their style while girls and some boys in the stadium started a game titled "who is shouting 'oppa' louder."

Gobsmacked, L looked at his tearful cousin and then looked at the stage where that white-haired guy was staring in the direction of his cousin or him?  "Who is this guy? Is he interested in my cousin?" L's main focus never put on the performance, because his mind was twisted in this cult-like ambience. He couldn't understand a fanatic fan's stance and he wanted to. However, that guy, by his antics, always distracted him from observing the audience. He would quickly move to other parts of the stage and then dance back to the nook near them and try his best to stay there as long as he can until other members push him away. "What are you doing, bro?" L felt that he was haunted by a lot of myths: Why theses fans so crazy? Why this guy kept looking in this direction? What's his motive?


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-8-20 17:27:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-8-20 17:57 编辑



How interesting he met an Asian guy in this foreign remote town! As he walked in TT Inn, he could feel all the eyes were focused upon him. All the eyes only added up to ten eyes, because there were just five people and one was the owner. Then, to his surprise, four of them began to shift their glance between him and another man, a man sitting by the backyard door. He looked over and discovered that that man was Asian too.

Never would he felt interested in approaching an Asian guy in big cities, but after a long time not seeing any Asian people, he felt excited. He walked to his table, asking whether he could sit there, and the answer was a quick "yes." Though not from the same country, they still communicated well in English. Shortly after he got his drink, this new friend said to him, "I had a plot of land nearby, wanna go? I live off-grid. Do you know off-grid?" Shaking his head, he remembered something important, "Is it idyllic? Full of natural beauty?" A big grin crawled upon this young man's face, and with such confidence, he answered, "Of course. I'm sure you will love it. You can visit my cottage, vegetable garden and my buddies-I have a dog, four ducks and two rabbits."

He couldn't imagine what exactly that place would be, which immediately enhanced his curiosity. And soon he was sitting in a pickup, heading for unknown countryside. What he was gonna see really amazed him and became one of his most beautiful memories.

The pickup stopped in front of a small cottage. It's cute and rustic, not flashy at all. A large jujube tree stood in the "yard," accompanied by a wooden swing. He heard ducks quacking from somewhere while his friend was being greeted and licked by a furry dog...


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-7-25 14:07:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-7-25 15:32 编辑



bucket hat 渔夫帽;baseball cap 棒球帽;beret 贝雷帽;beanie 无边小帽;pocket square (西服口袋)装饰方巾;suit 西服;suit jacket 西服上装;waistcoat 背心/马甲;tank top 一般男生夏天穿的无袖背心;shirt 衬衫;plaid shirt 格子衬衫;striped shirt 条纹衬衫;slacks 宽松长裤;leggings 绑腿或者打底裤;unbuttoned 敞口/不系纽扣的…… unbuttoned shirt/coat。。。。。。;overcoat 大衣(一般冷天穿的);gown 礼服(女星红地毯穿的基本可以叫gown);robe 浴袍等;sleeveless …… 无袖的;sleeveless T-shirt 无袖T恤衫;long-sleeved 长袖的;long-sleeved T-shirt 等等;high-heeled 高跟的;breast pocket 胸袋;tie 领带;bow-tie 蝴蝶领结;tie clip/clasp/slide/bar 领结;cuff links 袖扣;waders 防水高筒靴;chest waders 渔夫装/钓鱼裤……

卷发( have long) curls;刘海 bangs;软趴趴/耷拉的头发 limp hair;slicked-back/combed-back hair 背头/向后梳的发型;mullet 曾经流行,最近也流行过的发型(见某一时期的吴亦凡);bun 发髻;plait 辫子;smooth hair 柔顺的头发;ponytail 马尾辫;wig 假发;perm 烫卷发


In his dark-blue silk shirt and ripped jeans, right before they went on to the stage, Jack showed a video clip to his team member Jerry, "Could you be more obvious? You are an idol now. You should know how to manage your facial expressions." Jerry, who wore a very formal black suit, turned around with a dumbfounded face, replied, "I am the one who fails to hide emotions? I?!" But he got no answer from the asker, because Jack was busy putting on a glittery jacket over his already sparkling shirt.  

Hiding his face behind a mask and sunglasses, he walked fast in the terminal. He wore a white T-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers, very different from his usual style. No bling-bling but a simple ring was seen on his fingers.


"What's wrong with your hair?"

"I wanna ask the same question of that stylist who cut my hair so short. And finally my hair became a plant because only the middle part was long enough to stand up. "

"Okay. Interesting. Your face looked chubby but his was sharp."

"Yeah! He was quite handsome. I really liked his style back then. He had lots of earrings and he knew how to make himself manly with earrings. Usually people think earrings make men look girly."

"Let's be honest. Whoever had such a sharp face can rarely look girly. So what about his style these days?"

"I think he is a bit lazy but he disagreed, and then he said it was time-consuming to choose what to wear among so much jewelry. So I caught him. I'm right."


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-7-12 11:37:35 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-7-12 11:47 编辑




H: Tell me about your family.
W: What a convenient psychiatry it is! Like a low hanging fruit.
H: I suspect the fruit is on a high branch that is difficult to reach.
W: So is my mother. Never knew her... How about you telling me about your parents.
H: Both of my parents died when I was very young. I was a proverbial orphan until my uncle adopted me when I was 16 years old.
W: So you and Abigail were all orphaned as you were young.
H: You would discover that we and Abigail have a lot in common. She's already demonstrated an aptitude for the psychiatry.


W: I don't know. There is always something foreign to me about the concept of family. Like an ill fitting suit.
H: So you created your own family?
W: Uh... You mean my dogs. Yes, I collected strays. Thank you, for feeding them when I was away.
H: No, I was referring to Abigail.

H: Now, tell me about the Turner family. Are they affluent?
W: Yes. They are well to do.
H: Your family?
W: No. We were poor. I followed my father from this boatyard to that around the country.【我再度忽略地名,遇到地名,我很容易有意识忽略。】
H: Always the new boy at school. Always the stranger.
W: Always.【语气加重】


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-6-20 00:31:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-6-20 00:41 编辑

I never thought simple word combination could be so meaningful and beautiful. However, if I was not attracted to this TV series that much, could I so strongly feel the beauty in their dialogues? Definitely not.

"I miss my dogs. But I'm not gonna miss you. I'm not gonna find you. I'm not going to look for you. I don't wanna think about you anymore..."

When I pondered the above impressive lines, I must admit that the way Hugh Dancy spoke imbued extra beauty into these words. I liked his voice and clear pronunciation. Usually, he spoke slowly, and therefore his intricate feelings were easier to sense.

Um... I haven't got bored with this show yet. Why? Because it is worth exploring in so many ways. Because it's a piece of art I'm still savoring. What marvelous cinematography! So easy to choose artistically appealing frames and create MVs out of them! As I am watching MVs, often I would tell myself, "This frame, season 1; this, the beginning of season 3; this scene, season 1, after Will came out of the hospital to take revenge; This, season 3, in Will's imaginative world..." Yes, I could quickly remember where they came from and their contexts, and for me this was a fun mind game to play.

I like discovering something that can provide long time pleasure, that can intrigue my mind, that can make me more eager about life. This morning, I connected this thought to the Cartoon Peppa Pig, thinking, "Isn't it also continually pleasing lots of kids as well as adults day after day?" Even though I had no strong interest in it, I could still think on behalf of kids in my family, so I immediately downloaded  into my phone five episodes of Peppa Pig that could be used as an audio drama.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-6-5 13:02:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-6-5 13:05 编辑

About the ending parts of Hannibal season 2. My feelings about a scene.

They threw notes into the fireplace. So many happened in this house, in this library, in these chairs. Hard to let go, but must, for the new journey. Standing before the fire, hearing cracks from the wood, Will was experiencing a raging storm in his heart.

Hannibal leaned forward, approaching Will, sniffed, and something, some smell, like the sharpest arrow in the world, directly cut into his heart as he traced it back to its origin. Will was cheating him. He wanted him to die or be caged. His smile faded, replaced by the deepest sadness covering his eyes. He still wanted to believe; he still held some hope, and he had to cultivate this elusive hope no matter how delicate it was. This was the bitterness of falling in love with someone, only to find out that instead of loving back, his beloved wanted to catch him, torture him, depriving him of the most precious thing in his life. How cunning!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2019-4-2 08:15:11 来自手机 |只看该作者


蓝田日暖  算是个学习型的人,不过不是家长。  发表于 2019-4-2 22:03:17

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-3-12 18:35:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-3-12 18:47 编辑



还有一个难点就是双写问题了。现在看到双写,我就会高度关注,什么tomorrow, palette了。谈到palette,还特别要注意它与palate的区别:发音不同,意思差别还是挺大。这不由又让我想起:heroin和heroine,我已经不知道多少次看到影视剧评论区的人们把“女主角”叫成“海洛因”了。把文具(stationery)写成stationary的也大有人在。不能怪他们啊,确实容易混淆,发音一样,差别就在于一两个字母,一不小心就得弄错。甚至有些人从一开始就弄错,于是一错到底。












Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-2-17 13:00:33 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2019-2-17 13:02 编辑

A lot of kids like playing with puddles, and he is definitely one of them.

Our timing was perfect. We got free time. There was a pair of galoshes on the shoe shelf. Puddles of different sizes were easy to find these days. So we quickly went out, searching for perfect puddles to play with.

Soon our desires were fulfilled, for puddles were abundant in this community. In the bright yellow galoshes, he joyfully screamed as he was running through the puddle. Water sprayed around, he didn't care and I decided that it's no big deal to dry my clothes afterwards...

We had great fun with puddles. We made the best of recent rainy days. We created some interesting stories that could be remembered and retold in future days.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-2-17 12:50:31 |只看该作者
I was deliberately milking something I watched on a variety show. Writing it in English would be a good way to focus my mind, so why not?

They and the guest stood by the zoo gate, talking about the theme of this episode - being a zoo keeper for a day. Soon they were guided into the zoo to get familiar with a popular animal. It was a brown, glossy, horse-like animal that had a long tongue to roll fresh leaves into its mouth. They immediately got into the role of zoo keepers to the point that they were willing to clean up its den.

One corner of the den was covered with its feces and sawdust. Tired of differentiating the feces from the sawdust, A surprised all the present people by bending down to pick the feces by his bare hands, but the guest followed suit quickly. Only B, a fanatic of hygiene stood still, not moving a bit. Moreover, right after his co-workers finished their job, he reminded them to wash hands. The minute he stopped talking, A extended his hand in front of B, with the palm upturned, and a very interesting scene happened - B automatically moved his head forward, almost resting his chin on A's palm before he suddenly came to his senses that this palm just had intimate interaction with animal feces.

Um, what did that knee-jerk reaction mean? No matter what, i see it as very very cute.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2018-9-28 18:30:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2018-9-28 18:42 编辑






porch门廊;走廊。 deck 露台。skylight 天窗。tenon 榫头。mortise/groove卯眼/榫眼/凹槽。beam横梁。post柱子。joist托梁。rafter椽子。staircase=stairway (一段)/一座楼梯。stringer 楼梯侧梁横条。paneling 镶板/嵌板(一般是纵向的)。decking(水平)铺面板。siding外墙面板。kitchenette小厨房。forklift叉车;铲车。table saw桌锯。prefabricate预制。bolt/tab螺栓,螺钉……

Pete Nelson, the treehouse master, scampers around like a kid, happily building the double-deck treehouse for his client. The carpenter and rigger just chopped down a tree branch that was dangerous enough to kill someone below if it fell. All the carpenters have great physical strength especially arm strength, otherwise they can't lift all those heavy beams, rafters and walls upon the tree.

They are versatile carpenters but not to the degree that they can install water pipes or electricical equipment, so they have to call plumbers and electricians here to make this treehouse electricity and water available 24/7. Other than carpenters, plumbers, electricians, treehouse designer (Pete), the whole project also needs an interior desinger to fill it with matching furniture, lights, ornaments, etc.

Abundant clients offer abundant perspectives of treehouses' meaning--some use it as a working and resting paradise, some see it as a place for kids to explore and have fun, some want to play poker with friends all afternoon there, some want it to be fully bright with lots of windows, some like sleeping there at night, some...

https://www.bilibili.com/video/a ... 1967907944893349571


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2018-4-2 22:03:55 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2018-4-2 22:09 编辑

I found a new way to improve my English. I was watching a clip from Everybody Loves Raymond--a classic American sitcom. Four couples sit together, trying their best to talk, but the atmosphere is still awkward. I watched and listened, but some words and word combinations confused me. I read the comments, feeling happy that some people captured and highlighted the most hilarious lines in their comments which contained the words I wanted to know. My watching and listening, combined with the reading, lead me to knowing some new words like "safari," "denomination," " Lutheran," "antipode." After a while, I watched the clip again to enhance my memory of these newly learned words.

Then I began to watch short clips of The Ellen Show. In one video, the guest Will Smith was talking about lions visiting his house, but Ellen looked at the footage and said "It's a mountain lion." Will Smith answered emphatically, "It's a lion." I didn't understand why they quibbled over it, because for me a mountain lion was a lion too. Obviously, they were different, so I had to verify it. After the searching, now I get some new knowledge that is: a mountain lion=cougar=puma 美洲狮, is different from what we usually see as lions.

The conversation continued by Will Smith telling the audience how he dealt with this situation--he called the ranger. I was clear that I heard the word "ranger," but I was not sure what it meant in this context, so I looked it up in a dictionary and knew its exact meaning was 公园管理员 or 护林员, because this lion came from a nearby preservation park. He made big circles with lion urine to prevent lions from coming again. The footage of the adult lion appeared again on the big TV screen,  Ellen hadn't given up teasing Will Smith with "a mountain lion" thing, so she looked at the screen and said "It seems you do need to landscape your garden." The audience burst into great laugh, and finally, I knew why they were laughing, because Ellen was implying his garden was like a treeless mountain area that a mountain lion would like to stay.

So I get to know more clearly how to use the following words:

denomination N-C 教派;Lutheran 路德教会的;路德会教徒;mountain lion 美洲狮;antipode 正相反的事物 (The antipode of the word "hell" is "heaven.")...

For me, this learning method has several functions such as: I feel good by watching funny stuff; I learn some new English words and also some cultural knowledge.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-12-26 11:08:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2017-12-26 11:13 编辑









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-12-18 22:41:29 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2017-12-18 22:47 编辑



When I see you smile, I can face the world. I see you smile是个句子。

Spaghetti, which many of us enjoy, can be messy. which是关系代词,which=Spaghetti,所以从句实际上是:Many of us enjoy which(/Spaghetti).去掉which, 就变成了Many of us enjoy. Enjoy什么?这就莫名其妙了。

关系代词包括that, when, which, whichever, whichsoever, who, whoever, whosoever, whom, whomever, whomsoever whose, whosesoever whatever, whatsoever

Spaghetti, which many of us enjoy, can be messy.

Spaghetti, being enjoyed by many of us, can be messy.

This is the book that everyone is talking about.将它一分为二,变成独立句子就是:
This is the book. Everyone is talking about the book. 去掉that/the book,就不是完整的句子了——Everyone is talking about.

This is the book talked about by everyone.


She wrote to the person whom she had met last month.

We didn’t bring the receipt, which was a big mistake.

I have a friend whose cat is annoying.

People who are clever can always find a way.

Grandma remembers a time when radio shows were popular.

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. - Erma Bombeck


We didn’t bring the receipt, which was a big mistake.
which前面加了逗号,这个which就不是用来形容the receipt,而是前面整个句子,也就是我们忘带收据这件事,这件事是个大错误。如果没有逗号,那后面那些话就是用来形容这收据的了——这张收据有问题。加不加逗号,意思差大发了。

People who are clever can always find a way.如果变成 People, who are clever, can always find a way.后者可以解释为对全体人类很有信心:人都是聪明的,总能找到出路。但没有逗号,最贴近的意思就是:聪明人总能找到出路。不管怎么样,加不加逗号意思清晰度上还是有很大差异,当然到底啥意思还是要联系上下文来看。

Yourdictionary上的地址:http://grammar.yourdictionary.co ... lative-pronoun.html

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-12-18 17:58:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2017-12-18 18:13 编辑




其实上述列举,很多可以略加调整后,用and, but等并列连接词来连接,或者也可以用其他方式表达。怎么说呢,副词从句的使用其实是很直接的,没有什么留白,等于说——我用了这个词,我就告诉你这是个转折。我用了这个词,就是表明了这是条件等等。如果你一溜下来,大量使用这种词,像法律文档之类的无可厚非,但如果是艺术类的文章或小说,就会让读者产生审美疲劳,太套路,太死板。

也会显得多余。英语里有大量的省略手段,使用它们可以让文章简练,而且在特定情况下会更自然生动(读者不会因为太多的as, if, as long as, now that而反感)比如:

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there’s nothing left.


Walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-12-18 17:33:32 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 蓝田日暖 于 2017-12-18 18:03 编辑


从属连词(Subordinating conjunctions),结合两个子句或者说句子的两个部分,一个为主句(independent clause or main clause),一个为从句或从属子句(dependent clause)。主句是可以独立出来成为一个有意义的句子,当然这个意义在具体的背景中会有些模糊,所以需要从属子句来说明解释补充。由从属连词(as, if, as long as等)打头的那个句子是副词从属子句,它是服务于主句的,在具体的上下文中单独拉出来没有意义。

从属子句的词性其实是副词性的,主要回答时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(how)、程度(to what extent)、条件(under what conditions)等问题。与定语从句不一样,这个以后再介绍。

那就比较容易了,与时间有关的从属连词是before, after, when, while, as等。与地点有关的就是where, wherever等。原因:because。程度:than, as much as等。条件:if, as long as等。以上只是简单举例。


after - “Your heart will break like mine, and you’ll want only me after you’ve gone” (Ella Fitzgerald).

although - “Although I’ve been here before, he’s just too hard to ignore” (Amy Winehouse).

as - “As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there’s nothing left” (Coolio).

as long as - “I don’t care who you are, where you’re from or what you did as long as you love me” (Backstreet Boys).

because - “I’m everything I am because you loved me” (Celine Dion).

before - “Just call me angel of the morning, angel. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby” (Juice Newton).

even if - “Even if the sky is falling down, you’ll be my only” (Jay Sean).

if - “If you leave me now, you’ll take away the biggest part of me” (Peter Cetera/Chicago).

once - “Once you pop, you can’t stop” (Pringles commercials).

now that - “Baby, now that I’ve found you, I won’t let you go” (Tony Macaulay/John MacLeod).

since - “I guess I’ll never be the same since I fell for you” (B.B. King).

though - “Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain though your dreams be tossed and blown” (Rodgers and Hammerstein).

unless - “We’re never going to survive unless we get a little crazy” (Seal).

until - “[You] don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone” (Cinderella).

when - “When I see you smile, I can face the world” (Bad English).

where - “There’s a light burning bright, showing me the way, but I know where I’ve been” (Scott Wittman).

while - “I look at the world, and I notice it’s turning while my guitar gently weeps” (The Beatles).

地址:http://grammar.yourdictionary.co ... g-conjunctions.html

可结合:http://grammar.yourdictionary.co ... adverb-clauses.html

http://grammar.yourdictionary.co ... lause-modifier.html
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