噢?小巫?schedule里见过她的名字和课程,以为她只是上上课走走场,友情客串的;怎么怎么,她也一路同行??CD上车,绅士地拎上小巫的行李,然后是顶着一头短发的小巫隆重亮相。她帅气一甩头,用有磁性的女中音对下车的CD说:“I'll be the tour guide.”说罢,真的在导游凳上就坐。我拿出手机发送短信给朋友兼小巫粉丝:“知道我正在跟谁在一起?”往后三天,小巫跟我们同吃同聊同睡。 (同一片院子而不同卧室睡)还熊抱咧!
我以为自己是付出型的,不过在传递中却觉得自己take的手比give的手更强烈点。下午爬山时,向Noemi老师询问这个疑惑,Noemi老师眼睛里全是笑:“fine,very fine. You can feel this from the passing.There's nothing wrong as to whether take stronger than give or vise versa.Once you feel it, you can learn to balance them. ”
小巫分别介绍风、水、土、火四种气质类型。人的一生在不断变换自己的气质类型,大部分人孩童期是“踮着脚尖走快乐轻松的风向”;中年时很多重要时刻等待你来下决定,人可能变成了“火向”;随着年龄增长,人满足而“水向”。而一个人身体里也可能同时存在几种气质类型,又以其中一种为主。学习气质类型,是为了更好地meet the child instead of chipping off stuff you don't want. 我们拿着笔飞快在笔记本上对气质的描述进行记录,有好几次,这让小巫有点“皱眉”,她希望我们少记录,多感受。更不希望我们因此轻易对身边人或孩子轻易下定义。
As parents or teachers, you have to transform! Kids will be like a mirror telling you that you have to transform.
A new born baby in his first year is sensitive to quietness, laughter, smile and spiritual impact. Darkness is essential to him.
When 2-3 month old, baby begins to observe his hands, surprisingly.
Emi Pikler, a doctor in an orphan kindergarten, had an ideology that each child is born with curiosity. An example of this is a baby enjoys the process of taking, and the consequent success of getting. A mum who helps him to get actually spoils his pleasure, interest as well as willingness.