(常说"性格决定命运", 我就一直想知道什么样的个性能决定幸福的命运。这里说的个性跟我原先想的是有所不同的。我原先以为天生比较完美的个性才能跟美满的人生相匹配,并没有把过错、不足和冲动当作资源。抄一遍原文加深印象: They have good character. They were energetic,honest and dependable. They were persistent after setbacks and acknowledge their mistakes. They possess enough confidence to take risks and enough integrity to live up to their commitments. They tried to recognize their weakness, atone for their sins, and control their worst impulses.)
另一方面,他们也拥有另一种同样重要的能力—“街头聪明”。他们善于对人物、情境和观点作出解读。如果让他们面对一大群听众,或者将堆积如山的文件、报告摆在他们面前,他们直觉就知道该怎么办—什么行得通、什么行不通,怎样做能取得丰硕成果、怎样做只是白白浪费时间。他们在社会生活中游刃有余的技巧,就像娴熟的水手在大海中导航的技巧一样。(Just importand, they had street smarts.They knew how to read people,situations,and ideas.You could put them in front of a crowd,or bury them with a bunch of reports, and they could develop an intuitive feel for the landscape before them---what could go together and what would never go together,what course would be fruitful and what would never be fruitful.The skills a master seaman has to navigate the oceans, the had to navigate the world.)
(The research being done today reminds us of the relative importance of emotion over pure reason,social connections over individual choice, character over IQ, emergent hat we have a organic systems ovver the ideer linear mechanistic ones,and the idea that we have multiple selves over the idea that we have a single self.)