关于学英语这回事儿,我们是1年半以前开始的。没报任何培训班,就是我这个以前总说“My English is very poor.”的妈妈陪着亲子阅读,半年前加上了原版动画片的视听。
历时1年半,读过的分级读物大约有500本,原版绘本大约200本。外加两部原版动画片<muzzy>和<magic school bus>,历时半年的视听。到现在的水平大约是能独立阅读桥梁书,离初级章节书还有段距离。词汇量不晓得咋计算,我完全没有概念的。听力也差不多是桥梁书的水平,在听过几遍以后能复述类似<My father's dragon>中的句子。
因为昨天在晨晨的楼里看到笑妈建议说,“可以让晨晨用自己的话讲读过的书,你们每天读过的书都可以做这样的练习,比如frog and toad ,读完你让晨晨用5句话(第2次就用10句话、第3次用15句话)把故事大意讲一下,全用英文。”于是突发奇想我们也来试试看。和Enoch约好了,妈妈说一句,他说一句,说说MFD第1章的内容,每人说5句就结束。
我先开了个头:One day, my father met a cat.
Enoch急急忙忙的纠正我:不对,不对!是One cold rainy day, my father met an old alley cat...
我继续:The cat is very cold, so my father asked,"Would you like to come home with me?"
Enoch接下去说道:This surprised the cat- she had never before met someone who cared about old alley cat. The cat said,"I will be very pleased if I can sit by a (火炉怎么说),and have a saucer of milk."
我张嘴要接,Enoch激动又兴奋地阻拦了我,一个人兴致勃勃的说下去:My father said,"We have a very nice fire(火炉不会讲,就自作主张用file 替换了) to sit by,and I am sure, my mother will have an extra saucer of milk." My father and the cat became good friends. But my father's mother is very upset about the cat. She hated cats, particularly ugly old alley cat. "Elmer Elevator," she said to my father,"if you think I will give the cat a saucer of milk,you are very wrong!" This made my father very sad.
趁他喘了一口气的空隙,我赶紧接上去:My father bring the cat a saucer of milk each day,and he fed the cat for three weeks.
Enoch又来捂我的嘴了:But one day, my father's mother found the cat in the (地下室怎么说), and she was extremely angry. She whipped my father and threw the cat out of the door. My father sneaked out and found the cat. Together they went for a walk in a park.
2、Enoch能复述长句,比如:I used to hide in the bushes and talked to him when nobody wad around. He's got a long tail and yellow and blue stripes. His horn and eyes and the bottoms of his feet are bright red. He has gold-coloured wings.
Analogies link pairs of words that relate in the same way. Diners are to eat as spectators are to _____. Answer: watch
Bike Ride, Anyone? By Amy Leung
Some people might find it surprising that the present times are not considered the “Golden Age of Bicycling,” since there are so many different bikes available. Believe it or not, this Golden Age occurred more than 100 years ago in the 1890s
when horses were the main form of transport.
The first modern bicycle can be traced back to 1839 in Scotland. A variety of “bikes” followed. By the 1870s, James Starley of England was producing bikes. His bike, called the Ordinary, had a huge front and a small back wheel. Many spectators came to the 1876 U.S. Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia to see a
demonstration of how the Ordinary worked. Some models became more prominent, or well-known, than others. One bike designed in the United States was a real luxury. It cost more than some people made in a year!
In 1885 the Coventry Machinists Company in England produced a 50- pound machine called the Rover. It was built like the modern bicycle. By the
1890s the Ordinary and the Rover were pitted against each other. Eventually, the Ordinary faded from production and the Rover would prevail. The Rover was simply faster and more easily maneuvered, or controlled, up and down hills and around corners.
Bicycling really became popular in the 1890s because it was nearly as fast as a horse and required less care and expense. People rode their bikes through the country and the city. Changes began to take place as bicycling increased in popularity.
As more people began biking, they formed the League of American Wheelmen. The league had one collective goal: All members wanted to improve bicycling conditions. The league worked to get roads paved for easier passage in all types of weather. It also published a bicycling magazine and established bicycle etiquette.
Women were good cyclists, just as adept at riding as men. Susan B. Anthony, the famous women’s rights advocate, said that the bicycle had done wonders for women’s freedom. Isn’t it wonderful that a bike could improve women’s rights?
In the 1970s the mountain bike made bicycling even more popular. Adults joined kids and teenagers on their bikes. Biking is a fun pastime and a fantastic alternative to driving.
Reread for Comprehension
Make Inferences and Analyze
Fact and Opinion
Making inferences and analyzing information can help you decide what is fact and opinion in a selection. A fact is a statement that can be proven true. An opinion is a statement of someone’s feelings or beliefs. An opinion is not true or false. Use the Fact and Opinion Chart as you reread “Bike Ride, Anyone?”作者: 琳0824 时间: 2012-3-13 22:47:08