班上有个同学在Safehome工作,这个Safehome是个公益机构,也是私立的,主要是救助妇女儿童,单身母亲的。比如被虐待的妇女逃离家庭,Safehome会有专人接待,有Shelter提供给她们短期居住,会有人帮她们找房子看孩子等等。也会有治疗师对她们做心理辅导。我听同学介绍了以后,就想着去这里当志愿者。给系主任一讲这个时,她说我可以在那里实习的,给我4个学分的。这美事我当然愿意了,可后来联系了以后知道,Safehome这里已经有两个实习生了,满员了。谁知道坏事也就是好事的,于是开始联系其他实习的地方。这个地区最大的当然是政府的Mental Health Center,工作人员有90个,可一看那地方不开车是去不了的,我计划拿驾照好久了,可就是没行动干,对开车似乎一直就是没有动力。最近去学校自行车都不愿骑,每次走20分钟,真的觉得很舒服。很快又查找出一家私立的心理机构Counseling & Creation Center,离我住的走路5,6分钟。网站上看了介绍,就电话联系了,很巧Jennifer接了我的电话,进去后才知道,这里暂时还没有秘书,三个治疗师整日在见来访者的时候,是没有时间接电话的,电话大部分都是留言应答状态。这三个治疗师Jennifer是Pscyhologist,其余两个都是Social Worker专业毕业的。老天真是处处帮我,总是给我最好的安排。刚好第二天是周四,是Jennifer去总部汇报工作的固定日子,于是她就把我实习的申请交上去了。回来后就给我答复,同意我去实习。这学期我得在这里工作160个小时,她做我的督导。
后来才知道我这好运气还不止这个,没有去成最大的官方机构Mental Health Center,我是遗憾的。我当然感兴趣,想了解这里的程序和状况的。这个小的city只有一个Psychiatrist精神科医生,这个人是有开药的处方权的,他当然在Mental Health Center工作的,围绕着他一个人有一个团队配合帮助他工作的,他一个人会带来很多来访者或者说病人的。原来Jennifer和另两个治疗师也都是从这家政府的机构出来的,他们三个也都是五六十岁的人的,出来也就两三年,这唯一的Psychiatrist四月也要加入这里了,等于要带一批人过来,所以这边得把旁边的房子都租下来,扩大。精神科医生得要有秘书助理的。我一听激动的不行啊!Cheryl年轻时在Mental Health Center做过几年秘书,告诉我那里面管理混乱,工作环境很不舒服,这也是Jennifer和另两个治疗师精神科医生都出来了的原因。
The designation "psychoanalyst" is not protected by federal or state law: anyone, even an untrained person, may use the title. It is therefore important to know the practitioner's credentials before beginning treatment.
Graduate psychoanalysts trained under the auspices of the American Psychoanalytic Association have had very rigorous and extensive clinical education. Candidates accepted for training at an accredited training institute must meet high ethical, psychological, and professional standards. These candidates are either physicians who have completed a four-year residency program in psychiatry, psychologists or social workers who have completed a doctoral program in their fields or hold a clinical masters degree in a mental health field where such a degree is generally recognized as the highest clinical degree; all must have had extensive clinical experience. Outstandingly qualified scholars,researchers, educators, and selected other professionals may also be approved for psychoanalytic training. All accepted candidates, whatever their background, then begin at least four years of psychoanalytic training.
This training consists of three parts. Candidates attend classes in psychoanalytic theory and technique. They undergo a personal analysis. And they conduct the psychoanalysis of at least three patients under the close and extended supervision of experienced analysts. Candidates who plan to treat children attend further classes and, with supervision, analyze boys and girls ranging in age from toddlers to late adolescents.
Besides conducting psychoanalysis, most graduate analysts also practice intensive and brief psychotherapy. Those who are psychiatrists sometimes prescribing medication. Many treat couples, conduct family or group therapy sessions, and work with the aging.
Because psychoanalysts are provided with the most thorough education available in normal and pathological development, their training enhances the quality of all their therapeutic work. It also informs their community activities as teachers, supervisors, consultants, and researchers, in the many different settings - hospitals, medical schools, colleges, daycare centers - where analysts are found. 作者: 爱无言 时间: 2012-3-9 00:10:07